Laser micromachining service
The key element of our services is flexibility in order to respond quickly to customer’s needs and to respect the delivery times. The know-how acquired in the field during many years of experience and the diverse range of available laser systems, allow Kirana team to deliver value to its customers, who can access the latest laser micromachining processes.
In addition to supporting the client in the resolution of its problems, the goal of Kirana is to assist the client himself in discovering the benefits of the proposed technology and to guide him in the identification and explanation of new requirements.
There are four main levels of interaction which Kirana has with customers, which are each time tailored to the specific needs of the client projects.
Level 1. The interaction with the customer begins with verification of “first-level feasibility” and evaluation of economic convenience. This step, sometimes supported by preliminary tests to determine whether a material can be machined or whether a type of structure is possible, allows the client to get a quick answer (no more than a few days).
Level 2. The next step is the feasibility study and the development of process parameters. Dimensional and quality checks are performed during the study and when small prototypes parts/samples are produced (usually in a limited number), Certificates of Conformity can be issued. This phase typically ends in 1 to 2 weeks time.
Level 3. Extension of the prototyping phase leads to the high-volume production of batches of samples/parts. This service is usually provided with an agreed, auditable QC methodology.
Level 4. After-Sales Support. The experience gained within the ongoing manufactures and/or the technological innovations in progress, could lead to offer customers new solutions for process optimization and/or for development of new products.
Moreover, in some special cases, Kirana supplies special laser systems, thanks to strategic partnership.